Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We as individuals are all involved in our own subcultures.  There are many subcultures: such as race, ethnicity, sports, religion, and hobbies. At my high school there are so many different subcultures. Sometimes we are part of a subculture and we don't even realize it.  One huge sub-culture that plays a large role in my life is religion. I am a Mormon as most people know us. Most people though don't know that our religion is a branch off of Christianity. Something that people don't know about us is that we don't swear, drink even after age of 21, we don't believe in pre-marital sex. There are many values we have that are important to me and shape me. There are many folkways, symbols, tabboos, language, and values each individual has although they are not always easily spotted or recognized.. A more that is in my life is family is the most important thing in my life and nothing comes between. I  go to church every Sunday and also every morning before school for an hour. A highly valued thing for me is my family. We are very family oriented and are very close even with my extended family.


  1. I think the fact that you are Mormon guides you to be more aware of your morals and shapes the person you are, today. Rather than some of the potty mouths we go to school with, it's good that you can talk nicely to everyone and because of that i'm sure you influence others to become nice, sometimes. You seem to have a pretty close family, and that's always the best! Family's always there for you, no matter what :)

  2. Shay-
    I think it's so cool that you go to church every morning before school! It shows how much being a part of your subculture has shaped you.
