Monday, February 7, 2011

Abandon Ship!!!

This past Friday during class we participated in an activity involving a real life situation. 16 people were placed on a life boat and only nine could remain in order to keep them all from sinking. These people had to choose who should stay and who should go. Many people many people go with what they think is best,but is that whats best for everyone or just them? I am  one of those people. I have often viewed others as being selfish- or somewhat self-centered, but I have realized many of my actions often revolve around what best suits me. The first thing that came to mind for me was survival of the fitest. I personally when was decideing who should go thought of keeping those in better health and getting rid of the weaker links. Others saw it as those who have the least to lose should be thrown off. Thinking more about it later on I thought about how everyone was so willing to let everyone else get thrown off, but not one person offered or went willingly. We often don't think about putting others especially strangers needs before our own. Right away when we were told people had to leave the boat people began judging. Who are we to say one person deserves to live more than another? Or to say someone has more to lose than another. We take the very little we know in Today's society and judge and compare others off of that little piece we know. I was a sailor during this exercise and was the first to get kicked off the boat because I was told I had no one to lose. Who is to say I didn't or couldn't have had a great life and family ahead of me and lived a long life. We are so quik to judge and accuse one another. I know that at times I often am thinking of myself when  I do certain things and that is okay. I feel though that we need to be more open to those around us and see how we affect them. I believe the way we act and if we put others before us we can make a difference.

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