Friday, February 11, 2011

What Shapes us?

This week in class we were asked to list groups that we believed influences us or any group that we are a part of. These groups that we belong to make up who we are. We disscused in class how sociologists can study an individual through these different groups. I found that for me church and family were most likely my top two groups that influence me the most. For example, being mormon and a part of christianity has shaped my beliefs and my standards. Without the church I would not be the person I am. Things would be a lt different, for example because of the church I do not swear and I have very high standards when it comes to my self worth. My family has helped me to become a responsible and hard working person. I think if I didn't grow up in the same financial situation or with hardworking parents that I would be more greedy or lazy. There are many groups we are a part of and some of them we may not like. Groups like my age and me being female are not groups are was given a choice with. Another group would be being a senior girl from Stevenson. These groups aren't ones i've personally choosen, but they still do shape who I am. We tend to judge from the book of a cover and never really get to know someone as an individual. We sometimes tend to focus more on the groups a person is a part of rather then how the group has shaped them as an individual.We also tend to judge based on stereotypes or rumors. As we go throughout our lives we need to be able to look at groups and not judge who is in it, but rather how that group affects the individuals.


  1. I agree with you, we look at people based on the groups their in, not based on how being in those groups makes them who they are.

  2. I agree that we often look at people and judge them based on what group(s) they are a part of. We don't very often look at the individual because they are a part of an outgroup we don't understand. I remember once reading an article on this psychological aspect in humans; we feel the need to have knowledge on everything, so when we see someone we don't know well, we look for cues - the people they associate themselves with, what they were - to automatically identify them, and, as a result, label them. Although it is true that people are influenced in character and lifestyle by the people they associate themselves with, we have to try harder not to judge based on stereotypes and look at the person for all the things they are shaped by.

  3. Nice post, Shay. I think your explanation of the influence of groups on individuals.
